Hidden Rules: Now What?

HIdden Rules: Now What? with Rita Sever

Rita and Mickey do a dive into organizational culture to examine the hidden rules that lead to discrimination and toxicity. Among the questions we address:

1.     Remind us what hidden rules are and how they work?      
2.     Give us an example of a societal hidden rule?               
3.     Give us a few examples of hidden rules in a nonprofit organization? 
4.     How do they tend to undermine inclusion and equity?
5.     Who tends to benefit from hidden rules? 
6.     How can you recognize hidden rules?  Where should we look? 
7.     Then what?  What are you supposed to do when you find a hidden rule? 
8.     Who is most likely to recognize hidden rules? 
9.     What is a supervisor’s role in regard to the hidden rules? 
10.  What about the role of HR and/or leadership if there is no HR? 
11.  What about as an individual – what can one person do? 
12.  This sounds like a lot of work.  Does it really matter? 

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