Online and Silent Auctions

Online and Silent Auctions, with Nonprofit Jenni

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This is the last of three episodes with Nonprofit Jenni, Jenni Getzy, host of the Nonprofit Jenni Show podcast, and the force of nature behind Nonprofit Jenni
We talk at length about Online and Silent Charity Auctions, examining step-by-step how to plan a charity auction, how to get items donated, how to maximize your revenue, etc.
Questions we address:

  • When is it best to host an online/silent auction versus a live auction versus no auction at all?
  • What are the most important steps for planning an online or silent auction?
  • Where are the best places to get auction items donated?
  • How should you set bid amounts for auction items?
  • What are some easy time-saving tips to help avoid wasting a ton of time collecting auction items and coordinating with item donors?
  • What are some easy tips for increasing the revenue you raise during the auction?

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