Overwhelm Is A Symptom

Overwhelm Is A Symptom

My guest today is Sarah Olivieri, a true visionary in the nonprofit space. Founder of Pivot Ground, Sarah returns to the SnapCast to talk about the critically important topic of avoiding burnout and overwhelm. Seems simple, but you may already be overwhelmed and not even know it. Among the things we discuss: Clearing your mind Clearing your calendar Clearing your to-do list Showing up for the help Avoiding martyr complex Don't let someone say...
Is Your Organization Too Dependent on You?

CEOs, is Your Organization Too Dependent on You?

Emily Taylor, Principal of teenyBIG, returns to the SnapCast. Even the most impactful leaders have limitations. Eventually, their superhuman trajectory plateaus, or worse– drops off the cliff. No one can be everywhere at once, or all things to all people. Leaders must draw on the skills and talents of others if they want their organization to thrive. Among the topics in our discussion: Identifying the telltale signs a leader has hit a growth...
Brutal Focus, with Carla Fowler

Brutal Focus, with Carla Fowler

Carla Fowler visits the SnapCast to talk about her practice as an Executive Coach. We discuss elements of human performance, the culture of over-work, and the concept of Brutal Focus as a means of avoiding burnout and increasing efficacy for nonprofits. We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.
Talent Justice

Possibility Project – Talent Justice

How is it that the social sector, which prides itself on its mission to ensure that all communities have access to health, safety, and prosperity, can underpay, overwork, and endanger the very people who carry out the work? We all have either experienced or heard stories of beloved colleagues who are burned out or have left the sector because we can’t find a way that makes sense to stay, financially or spiritually. Join another set of...