Teaching Philanthropy To Children

Your Fundraising Search, with Linda McNay

Mickey gets to visit with Linda McNay. We talk about Our Fundraising Search and her work helping nonprofits find the right fundraising professionals, and greatly improving retention rate once the right people are identified. Among the topics we cover: What makes for an effective search? How does a nonprofit determine what is a "good fit?" Changing organizational culture to best fit its fundraising goals. Why a personal touch to fundraising is...
Nonprofit SnapCast

Integrating VR to Monetize the Fundraising Experince, Robert Brodney

Talking with Robert Brodney, CEO & Founder at Launchpadds about his experiences using Virtual Reality to streamline aspects of a nonprofit's fundraising efforts. This fascinating discussion touches on new ways nonprofits may use this technology for their own purposes. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.