Matt Stokes is the President and Founder of Nonprofit Millionaires, a fundraising consultancy. We talk about leadership development. Among the topics we discuss: Finding a mentor and a sponsor
Attending and networking at fundraising conferences
Doing informational interviews for future fundraising positions of interest
Joining and becoming involved in local AFP chapters
Pursuing the CFRE We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via...
Libby Villavicencio spends some quality time on the SnapCast to talk about LEAD IT! -- a framework for fostering Innovative leadership for nonprofits. LEAD IT stands for: Leverage: Get clear on your desired impact and outcomes/results
Engage: Build a community of champions
Attract: Marketing to attract people to your organization
Develop: Your organization’s Sustainability and “Thriveability”
Influence: Effective Content Marketing &...
Chelsea Brasted, General Manger of Sidecar Global, speaks with Mickey about Sidecar and the niche they fill in the nonprofit space. We discuss: Sidecar's niche in the nonprofit space (membership-based orgs) and target audience
What makes Sidecar different from other professional development options (learning as a team, etc.)
Learnings about virtual events (we've been hosting our virtual conference, SURGE, since before the pandemic...
Bradley Kirschbaum, the founder of The Canopy Project, brings some excellent questions to the table that Mickey tackles with Dave Paule of Our Fundraising Search. This is the first of a series of special SnapCast episodes. Bradley asks: Is there such a thing as too many cooks in the kitchen with board members?
Should board members have distinctly different expertise/experiences from each other?
What level of commitment or accessibility should a...
Mary Cahalane of Hands On Fundraising talks with mickey about the importance of empathy, why empathy needs developing, and how empathy works (with a little dose of science). We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.
We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.
Visiting with Cindi Phallen, President of Create Possibility, to talk about accountability, leadership, and taking ownership of the success or failure of one's org. Among the topics we cover: Be mindful of role of board: setting strategy and direction, generating and allocating resources to execute the plan.
Identify who "owns" each priority in plan. This is a leadership development opportunity. Then train and support your leaders.
Agree on...
Mary Hiland of Hiland Counsulting talks with us at length about issues in leadership development, especially as they apply to Board Chairs, examining a 2016 study of board chairs. Among the things we discuss: 51% of board chairs reported there was nothing to do to prepare them for board leadership.
Mentorship was one thing board chairs reporting wanting more of, in preparation for leadership.
Serving as the chair of a committee was helpful...
This episode was recorded on May 27, 2020: Nonprofit SnapCast visits with Olanike Ayomide-Mensah to talk about equity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace; and how it intersects with leadership development. We discuss: We've been chasing diversity and inclusion since the Civil Rights Act and making anemic progress. It's time workplaces face the truth about what it's going to take to see real change.
Nonprofit organizations have a unique...