Our friends at Our Fundraising Search are conducting the 2024 Nonprofit Salary & Satisfaction survey. Thought leadership is an important part of what Our Fundraising Search does. The goal is to give nonprofit executives and boards insights into what it takes to recruit and, perhaps more importantly, retain talent.
Please forward this on to everyone in your nonprofit organization. We'd be honored if all nonprofit professionals would...
Dawn Randolph is a Strategic Management and Public Policy Consultant. Our conversation stems from a discussion we had on social media regarding the question: "What would you want your for-profit peers to know about the nonprofit work you do?" We talk about a number of misconceptions people seem to have about the nonprofit sector, and a number of related pet peeves.
We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.
We welcome your...
Talking with Robin Cabral on the topic of Fundraising Career Advancement: How to Move Up in Your Fundraising Career By Building Your Personal Brand. Among the topics we cover: Leveraging social media to advance in your fundraising career.
How does your fundraising resume fits into today's digital world?
Creating a digital fundraising persona that stands out.
Making LinkedIn your fundraising best friend.
Enhancing your paper resume in a digital...