Big Philanthropy

Big Philanthropy–Bad Idea? With Robert Drake

Visiting with Robert Drake, we tackle the issue of “Big Philanthropy.” What exactly is Big Philanthropy? Is there any danger to letting enormous wealth sectors of our economy to be spent with no government oversight? We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.
Form 990

Being A Good Nonprofit Citizen, with John McGee

We visit with John McGee, of McGee Consulting, about nonprofit regulations, loan forgiveness, and many related subjects, including: Regulatory oversight of nonprofits. New regulations and new information seem to surface very frequently. What exactly does a 501(c)(3) do for you? Who does the enforcing of all these regulations? Who, within an organization is responsible for keeping track of everything? We welcome your questions and feedback via...