Thank you for being a part of the Nonprofit SnapCast family. I wanted to take a quick minute to ask for your help and input on a couple of things.
1) We are looking for your suggestions. Specifically, if you know of someone who would make a good SnapCast guest, or if you have an idea for a subject we should cover on the SnapCast, please visit the Contact Us page on the Nonprofit SnapCast website and tell us. As you know, we try to keep the podcast to roughly fifteen minutes in length, and we welcome participation from any nonprofit professional who can share their best practices and tips with others in the nonprofit sector. Topics need not be related to pandemic, though we will continue to produce the occasional Special Episode on crisis management for nonprofits.
2) Can you put us in touch with grant makers? SnapCast would like to feature conversations with grant-makers in our efforts to provide solid content to our listeners. We’re especially keen on talking with philanthropic entities that are very active in COVID-19 related efforts. But in the longer term, we would also like to be speaking with entities who make grants as part of public health initiatives, disaster and emergency management, and other grant-makers in general.

Thank you for your help!
Once again, here’s the link to the SnapCast Contact Us page:
And in addition to the Nonprofit SnapCast webpage, here’s a list of all the places where you can subscribe to the SnapCast: