How To Run An Effective

How To Run An Effective & Sustainable Nonprofit Without Quitting Your Day Job

Kerry Stumpe and his wife are co-founders of Children of Conservation and have made it to the top of their professional careers (not quitting their day jobs) while successfully running a sustainable and impactful nonprofit in Africa. Both founders have received coveted awards of global recognition by Dr. Jane Goodall for their nonprofit endeavors. Among the things we discuss:

  • How to run an effective & sustainable nonprofit without quitting your day job.
  • Innovative partnerships with other NGO’s and their benefits.
  • How to start a nonprofit with a business mindset without losing the passion.
  • How to make the most impact with your donations and avoid funding administrative costs.
  • How to make your nonprofit dollars go further with limited (or no) employees.
  • How to make the most impact as a nonprofit in remote areas outside of the U.S.

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