Funder and Power Dynamics

Funder and Power Dynamics, with Brittny and Nia

Brittny and Nia are the hosts of The Nonprofit Reframe podcast. The three of us talk about funder power dynamics: When used for good, funders can fuel real change (ie: board diversity) When used for...not so good, funders can really harm the sector and the organization's it's trying to support (ie: ridiculous reporting requirements for tiny grants) At worst, these power dynamics are exploited for the gain of the funder and not the societal...

GlobalGiving During Pandemic with Michael Gale

We talk more about COVID-related challenges that all nonprofits may face: “Nonprofits are at the fore-front of community responses throughout the world. Many are also suffering financially because of limited resources and increased need. AND the individuals working in nonprofits are facing many of the same challenges as the rest of us: reduced income, childcare challenges, strain on mental health. Needs have never been greater and the work has...