Accounting Systems

Accounting Systems & Questioning Authority, with Stephen King

Mickey meets with Stephen King, President and CEO of Growthforce, to talk about what nonprofits should be doing right now, as we get close to post-pandemic, to increase outcomes, serve more people, and raise more money. We discuss a five-point framework: Which OUTCOMES best further the mission Study the ECONOMICS Which PROGRAMS do you Stop, Start, Continue Revise the PLAN  Raise more MONEY  We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via...
Big Philanthropy

Big Philanthropy–Bad Idea? With Robert Drake

Visiting with Robert Drake, we tackle the issue of “Big Philanthropy.” What exactly is Big Philanthropy? Is there any danger to letting enormous wealth sectors of our economy to be spent with no government oversight? We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.
Needs Assessments

Needs Assessments, talking with Rachel Sacks

Our second episode with Rachel Sacks, President of Leading Healthy Futures, as we talk about Needs Assessments, and why they’re important. We address: Conducting a Needs Assessments Things to include in your Needs Assessments Types of needs asssessments Forming the foundation for everything the organization does. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.

GlobalGiving During Pandemic with Michael Gale

We talk more about COVID-related challenges that all nonprofits may face: “Nonprofits are at the fore-front of community responses throughout the world. Many are also suffering financially because of limited resources and increased need. AND the individuals working in nonprofits are facing many of the same challenges as the rest of us: reduced income, childcare challenges, strain on mental health. Needs have never been greater and the work has...