Leading for Justice

Leading for Justice, with Rita Sever

Rita Sever, author of Leading For Justice, visits with Mickey to talk about making the book available to any leaders working for justice. The book especially speaks to the nonprofit sector and offers real, practical tools in their pursuit of justice. We discuss: Environmental challenges to justice How do you give staff a voice Social justice and nonprofit leadership in the age of COVID, and what a post-pandemic world might look like for those...
Burn The Table

Possibility Project: Burn The Table

This Possibility Project: We always talk about the proverbial "table" in leadership and community work - come to the table, have a seat at the table, and set the table, but what if we "burned the table" and considered new forms of leadership and how we come together? We will explore models of collective action and collaboration that can lead us toward transformation in the sector. We have two fantastic featured guests for this episode: Alnisa...
Pet Peeves & Misconceptions

Pet Peeves & Misconceptions, with Dawn Randolph

Dawn Randolph is a Strategic Management and Public Policy Consultant. Our conversation stems from a discussion we had on social media regarding the question: "What would you want your for-profit peers to know about the nonprofit work you do?" We talk about a number of misconceptions people seem to have about the nonprofit sector, and a number of related pet peeves. We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon. We welcome your...
Talent Justice

Possibility Project – Talent Justice

How is it that the social sector, which prides itself on its mission to ensure that all communities have access to health, safety, and prosperity, can underpay, overwork, and endanger the very people who carry out the work? We all have either experienced or heard stories of beloved colleagues who are burned out or have left the sector because we can’t find a way that makes sense to stay, financially or spiritually. Join another set of...
Funder and Power Dynamics

Funder and Power Dynamics, with Brittny and Nia

Brittny and Nia are the hosts of The Nonprofit Reframe podcast. The three of us talk about funder power dynamics: When used for good, funders can fuel real change (ie: board diversity) When used for...not so good, funders can really harm the sector and the organization's it's trying to support (ie: ridiculous reporting requirements for tiny grants) At worst, these power dynamics are exploited for the gain of the funder and not the societal...

Burn the Table: New Forms of Collaboration and Collective Leadership

This week's Possibility Project: We always talk about the proverbial "table" in leadership and community work - come to the table, have a seat at the table, and set the table, but what if we "burned the table" and considered new forms of leadership and how we come together? We will explore models of collective action and collaboration that can lead us toward transformation in the sector. We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via...
Building A Better Mouse

Building A Better Mouse, with Carol Hamilton

With more than 20 years experience in the nonprofit sector, Carol works with organizations to help them get clarity on strategic challenges for greater mission impact. Carol keeps a list of free resources on her firm’s website: Grace Social Sector Consulting. We talk about design thinking and human centered design: What is design thinking? How can design thinking be of benefit to nonprofit leaders? Examples of how design thinking can be...