Leading for Justice

Leading for Justice, with Rita Sever

Rita Sever, author of Leading For Justice, visits with Mickey to talk about making the book available to any leaders working for justice. The book especially speaks to the nonprofit sector and offers real, practical tools in their pursuit of justice. We discuss:

  • Environmental challenges to justice
  • How do you give staff a voice
  • Social justice and nonprofit leadership in the age of COVID, and what a post-pandemic world might look like for those organizations
  • Her work in the nonprofit sector and with social justice organizations, and how that led her to a career in human resources, specifically impacting (and changing) policies and practices that replicated oppression inside organizations
  • How inequity and biases can penetrate organizations, including those that are created to support equity — Impacting hiring processes, promotions, pay and treatment of staff
  • Cultivating a healthy workplace culture, though this is never one size fits all

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