Health Equity at Western Cancer Research

Health Equity at Western Cancer Reseearch

Lisa Switzer visits the SnapCast. Lisa is the CEO & Executive Director at Western States Cancer Research. We have an amazing conversation about health equity and Western States' role in helping people get access to clinical trials across their partner areas. We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.
Increasing Board Engagement

Increasing Board Engagement, With Sara McCaskey

Sara McCaskey is the Content Strategist at Surfboard. Surfboard is modern governance software for your board of directors. The first of two episodes, Sara and I talk about Increasing board engagement. We cover: The current state of nonprofit board engagement Why this is a problem for nonprofits What do you do about it? We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot...
Board Recruiting Through A DEI Lens

Board Recruiting Through A DEI Lens

Christal M. Cherry is a nationally recognized nonprofit board consultant and certified leadership coach. She is the Principal and CEO of The Board Pro. We talk about Board Recruiting with an eye on Diversity and Equity. Changing beliefs, behaviors, and practices related to board service and leadership can be challenging, but with the right coaching and tailored training you can steer your organization toward a sustainable future and an equitable...
Anthropomorphizing Technology

Anthropomorphizing Technology

Emily Hicks-Rotella returns to the SnapCast. Emily is a Nonprofit Data & Tech Strategist with her firm, Make Tech Work For You. We talk about what positive data & tech culture looks like. Our conversation covered: What is data & tech culture, and why is it important to consider? Three foundational sub-cultures necessary for fostering positive data & tech culture at NPOs: a Culture of Learning, encouraging continuous professional...
2024 Salary & Satisfaction Survey

2024 Salary & Satisfaction Survey

Our friends at Our Fundraising Search are conducting the 2024 Nonprofit Salary & Satisfaction survey. Thought leadership is an important part of what Our Fundraising Search does. The goal is to give nonprofit executives and boards insights into what it takes to recruit and, perhaps more importantly, retain talent. Please forward this on to everyone in your nonprofit organization. We'd be honored if all nonprofit professionals would...
Volunteering Is Back

Volunteering Is Back!

Geng Wang returns to the SnapCast. Geng Wang is the CEO and Cofounder of Civic Champs. We celebrate the return of Volunteering. Among the many things we discuss: Despite popular belief based on the census (old data from 2021), volunteerism is back and appears to be above pre pandemic levels.   Multiple data points show this including civic champs data (both actual anonymized data from our customers but also surveys we have conducted),...
How To Run An Effective

How To Run An Effective & Sustainable Nonprofit Without Quitting Your Day Job

Kerry Stumpe and his wife are co-founders of Children of Conservation and have made it to the top of their professional careers (not quitting their day jobs) while successfully running a sustainable and impactful nonprofit in Africa. Both founders have received coveted awards of global recognition by Dr. Jane Goodall for their nonprofit endeavors. Among the things we discuss: How to run an effective & sustainable nonprofit without quitting...
Overwhelm Is A Symptom

Overwhelm Is A Symptom

My guest today is Sarah Olivieri, a true visionary in the nonprofit space. Founder of Pivot Ground, Sarah returns to the SnapCast to talk about the critically important topic of avoiding burnout and overwhelm. Seems simple, but you may already be overwhelmed and not even know it. Among the things we discuss: Clearing your mind Clearing your calendar Clearing your to-do list Showing up for the help Avoiding martyr complex Don't let someone say...
Is Your Organization Too Dependent on You?

CEOs, is Your Organization Too Dependent on You?

Emily Taylor, Principal of teenyBIG, returns to the SnapCast. Even the most impactful leaders have limitations. Eventually, their superhuman trajectory plateaus, or worse– drops off the cliff. No one can be everywhere at once, or all things to all people. Leaders must draw on the skills and talents of others if they want their organization to thrive. Among the topics in our discussion: Identifying the telltale signs a leader has hit a growth...
You Shouldn’t Jump Into Your Next Strategic Plan

Why You Shouldn’t Jump Into Your Next Strategic Plan

Emily Taylor returns to the SnapCast. Emily is the Principal of teenyBIG. We talk about why you may not want to jump into your next strategic plan. Many funders say you “should” have a strategic plan. But if you keep putting it off, it may signify you’ve encountered one of the four little-known reasons organizations fail at strategic planning. These challenges can limit buy-in from your team, make the plan seem unrealistic in the eyes of...