An Open Invitation

An Open Invitation

Hello! This is Mickey Desai, your host for the Nonprofit SnapCast, here with just a little bit of bonus information for you. We're going to run something of an experiment with the SnapCast. I'm inviting both consultants and nonprofit leaders, nonprofit managers, staffers, etc., to come to the table with their case studies or their questions. If you're a nonprofit professional with questions about your nonprofit, or you've always wondered how to...
Contact Us

The Nonprofit SnapCast and You

Thank you for being a part of the Nonprofit SnapCast family.  I wanted to take a quick minute to ask for your help and input on a couple of things. 1)  We are looking for your suggestions.  Specifically, if you know of someone who would make a good SnapCast guest, or if you have an idea for a subject we should cover on the SnapCast, please visit the Contact Us page on the Nonprofit SnapCast website and tell...