Hello! This is Mickey Desai, your host for the Nonprofit SnapCast, here with just a little bit of bonus information for you. We’re going to run something of an experiment with the SnapCast. I’m inviting both consultants and nonprofit leaders, nonprofit managers, staffers, etc., to come to the table with their case studies or their questions. If you’re a nonprofit professional with questions about your nonprofit, or you’ve always wondered how to do something differently with your nonprofit, I’d love to talk to you. I’d love to try to get you partnered up with me and possibly a third party consultant on a recording to discuss what’s on your mind regarding your nonprofit. Or I’d just like to hear your questions so we can tackle them by way of doing something like “listener mail” with the Nonprofit SnapCast. I’m thinking we’re going to try to do this maybe once a month. Similarly, I’m looking to consultants to bring to the table, maybe with some of their clients who can talk about their work as a potential case study with the Nonprofit SnapCast. My goal here is to bring more real-world data and real world questions to the kinds of things we talk about on a day to day basis. This will be something of an experiment that I hope you can join me on. I’ll have more information on my website, that’s NonprofitSnapCast.org. Otherwise, I hope you and yours are staying safe. We’ll have another episode for you in a few days. Take care.
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We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.