Black Women In Fundraising & Philanthropy

Black Women in Fundraising & Philanthropy

“The participation of people of color in professional roles in philanthropy creates the balance of insight, perspective, and conviction needed to steward some of the most important missions of nonprofit organizations.”

  • Rob Henry, Vice President of Education for the Council for Advancement and Support of Education
    We want to talk about the roles and experiences of Black Women in Fundraising and Philanthropy and discuss:

  • The daily living experiences of Black Women navigating micro aggressions, prejudice, and power

  • The role organizational culture plays in creating and recreating false narratives and racist patterns
  • Why less than 10% of all members of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, out of 31,000 are people of color
  • Why the percentage of people of color in executive director/CEO roles has remained under 20 percent for the last 15 years.

Listen to our amazing speakers Birgit Smith Burton and Nneka Allen to dive into this very important topic.
*Content sourced from The Issue of Racism in the Fundraising Profession by Birgit Smith Burton,

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