Building Trust, Psychology & Leadership, Gregory Nielsen, Part 2

The latter half of our conversation with Gregory Nielsen, President and CEO of Nielsen Training & Consulting. This time we're talking about psychology and trust as it relates to the dynamic of helping boards succeed. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website or the Wellspring Nonprofit Resource website. The Nonprofit SnapCast records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

Talking Capital Campaigns with Amy Eisenstein, ACFRE

Recorded in January of 2020, SnapCast visited with Amy Eisenstein, CEO and Co-Founder of the Capital Campaign Toolkit. We talk about her journey into the world of fundraising, and do a little digging around the subject of capital campaigns: When does an org know if it's ready for a capital campaign? What are common mistakes orgs see during a campaign? How do you prevent your capital campaign from cannibalizing your annual fund? And what tools do...

Pandemic Fundraising, Talking Crisis with Sherry Quam Taylor

SPECIAL EPISODE: A quick conversation with Sherry Quam Taylor about the importance of (and tips for) fundraising during times of crisis. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website or the Wellspring Nonprofit Resource website. The Nonprofit SnapCast records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

Atlanta Community Food Bank, Handling Crisis with Kyle Waide

SPECIAL EPISODE: Nonprofit SnapCast gets to talk with Kyle Waide, President & CEO of the Atlanta Community Food Bank. We talk about changes ACFB has made to contend with pandemic issues, their bigger challenges going forward, and how people can still help even as they are not currently working with volunteers. Visit to learn more how you can help. ACFB has also created a text program that will tell those in need, where to get free food near...

Defining Board Culture, Preparing For Excellence, Gregory Nielsen, Part 1

We talk with Gregory Nielsen, President and CEO of Nielsen Training & Consulting. Our conversation covers a variety of topics about leadership, board development, board excellence, and setting the culture for helping leaders and organizations excel. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website or the Wellspring Nonprofit Resource website. The Nonprofit SnapCast records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

Digital Marketing Strategies for Nonprofits with David Somerfleck, Part 2

Part 2 of our conversation with David Somerfleck. This time we talk about how to apply real strategy towards digital marketing strategies and not become overburdened with passion. That’s right, to avoid becoming overburdened with passion. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website or the Wellspring Nonprofit Resource website. The Nonprofit SnapCast records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

The CARES Act, Talking Crisis with James Hart

SPECIAL EPISODE: We talk with James Hart about the CARES Act, and three ways it incentivizes charitable giving: Above-the-line deduction for charitable contributions. No cap on % of AGI for annual contributions. Increased cap on Charitable Gifts from Businesses. These spell out new ways nonprofits may interface with their donors as pandemic unfolds. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website or the Wellspring...

Digital Marketing and Digital Issues with David Somerfleck, Part 1

We had the opportunity to sit with David Somerfleck to talk about digital marketing, trying to answer the question: "What does a nonprofit need in order to properly do digital marketing?" Spoiler: It's a process, not an item. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website or the Wellspring Nonprofit Resource website. The Nonprofit SnapCast records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

Force Majeure and Acts Of God, Speaking with Susan Billeaud

We speak with attorney Susan Billeaud about Force Majeure clauses and things nonprofit organizations may keep in mind when making plans for future events. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website or the Wellspring Nonprofit Resource website. The Nonprofit SnapCast records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

Comfort Zones and Creative Zones, Talking Crisis with Lauren Koontz of YMCA

SPECIAL EPISODE: Lauren Koontz, President & CEO at YMCA Of Metro Atlanta, takes the time to talk with us about organizational culture, the drive to serve, and preserving humanity among our service providers during times of crisis in this special episode. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website or the Wellspring Nonprofit Resource website. The Nonprofit SnapCast records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.