DiShonda Hughes – Nineteen Years At The Atlanta Women’s Foundation

DiShonda Hughes, Executive Vice President of Mission for the Atlanta Women's Foundation takes the time to speak with us about her nineteen year history with the organization, the changes she's seen during that time, and how she transformed the granting process with the Collective Impact Approach. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website or the Wellspring Nonprofit Resource website. The Nonprofit SnapCast records...

Deborah Gonzalez, Esq. – Apps and Your Nonprofit

Our second conversation with Deborah Gonzalez. This time we talk about app development, legal protections, data collection issues, app ownership issues, and more. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website or the Wellspring Nonprofit Resource website.

Deborah Gonzalez, Esq. – Managing Online Risk

Deborah Gonzalez, Esq. speaks with us about the problems with risk and social media. We talk about understanding the legal consequences, breaking bad habits, and minimizing risk on the whole (while playing a successful social media game). We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website or the Wellspring Nonprofit Resource website. The Nonprofit SnapCast records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

Karen Graham – Nonprofit Leadership and Technology Strategy, Part 2

Karen Graham, Director of Capacity Building with Tech Impact, speaks with us about Stages of Technological Maturity for Nonprofits and her recent research and publishings on technology and leadership in the nonprofit sector. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website or the Wellspring Nonprofit Resource website. The Nonprofit SnapCast records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

Karen Graham – Nonprofit Leadership and Technology Strategy, Part 1

Karen Graham, Director of Capacity Building with Tech Impact, speaks with us about Technological Literacy for nonprofits, examples of technological use and planning, upward mentoring, and advocating for resources to help nonprofits make better use of technology to facilitate capacity building. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website or the Wellspring Nonprofit Resource website. The Nonprofit SnapCast records at...

Effie Santos – Founder and Chief Strategist at Red Root Strategies, Part 2

Part 2 of our conversation with Effie Santos of Red Root Strategies. We talk more about strategic matchmaking, and making deeper alliances work for the mutual benefit of nonprofits and their partner benefactors. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website or the Wellspring Nonprofit Resource website. The Nonprofit SnapCast records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta. Music by

Nonprofit SnapCast Scheduling Changes

We just wanted to take the opportunity to tell you that we're experimenting with a new publishing schedule, and a little about our upcoming guests. Thank you for your support and feedback! We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website or the Wellspring Nonprofit Resource website. The Nonprofit SnapCast records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

Robin Moch, Partner at M.E. Wilson Company

Our second conversation with Robin Moch, partner of M.E. Wilson Company. We talk about risk management and insurance for events. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website or the Wellspring Nonprofit Resource website. The Nonprofit SnapCast records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta. Music by

Robin Moch, Insurance and Risk Management

Robin is a partner at M.E. Wilson Company. She speaks with us about issues in risk management and insurance. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website or the Wellspring Nonprofit Resource website. The Nonprofit SnapCast records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta. Music by