Board Engagement: You Are NOT Alone

Board Engagement: You Are NOT Alone

Katherine Kreuchauf returns to the SnapCast to talk about her new venture, OnPoint Philanthropy. We talk about board engagement, touching on recent research, and ways to improve board functioning.  Among the topics we cover:  Board engagement is a process that starts with the first conversation re board membership Most organizations don’t invest time into building a high performing board Same principals as building a high performing team of...
Catching A Unicorn

Catching A Unicorn, with Jermaine Smith

How do you stop and have that first conversation about diversifying your board? A candid Conversation with Jermaine Smith, Vice President of Major Gifts at City Year, Jermaine and Mickey talk about what it means to diversity a nonprofit board of directors, the challenges and difficulties experienced by both the board and potential board recruits. We address the following: Perform a diversity audit and embrace where you need growth. Integrate...
Too Many Cooks

Too Many Cooks? (And Other Questions)

Bradley Kirschbaum, the founder of The Canopy Project, brings some excellent questions to the table that Mickey tackles with Dave Paule of Our Fundraising Search. This is the first of a series of special SnapCast episodes. Bradley asks: Is there such a thing as too many cooks in the kitchen with board members? Should board members have distinctly different expertise/experiences from each other? What level of commitment or accessibility should a...
Governance and Ethics

Governance and Ethics, with Dave Paule

Dave Paule visits again to talk about Board Governance and Ethics. Among the topics we touch on: Board seats are more valuable left empty than they are if filled with poor directors. What separates a good director from a bad director? What are board members legal duties and ethical obligations? Being a nonprofit is not a license to lose money. Getting board members to understand the difference between management and governance. We welcome...
Ready To Board

Ready To Board, with David Paule

Mickey talks with David Paule about Ready to Board, a program of Our Fundraising Search, recruiting and qualifying board members for nonprofits. David says: “In healthy, functioning nonprofits, the board of directors is the CEO's most valuable tool. Unfortunately, most boards do not understand the value of a board seat, and do not recruit board members effectively. Board seats are more valuable left empty than filled with poor performing...
The Issue of Accountability

The Issue Of Accountability, with Cindi Phallen

Visiting with Cindi Phallen, President of Create Possibility, to talk about accountability, leadership, and taking ownership of the success or failure of one's org. Among the topics we cover: Be mindful of role of board: setting strategy and direction, generating and allocating resources to execute the plan. Identify who "owns" each priority in plan. This is a leadership development opportunity. Then train and support your leaders. Agree on...
Nonprofit Board Chairs

Nonprofit Board Chairs, with Jeff Jowdy

Mickey gets to visit with Jeff Jowdy, President of Lighthouse Counsel, about the special significance of what it means to be a board chair, and the research Lighthouse Counsel is conducting in the area, along with a summary of their findings so far. To participate in the research, please visit: We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit...
Getting Nonprofits Ready For Grants

You Should Always Be Looking For Your Successor, with Patrina Pelton-Smith

An excellent conversation with Patrina Pelton-Smith, the principal consultant with The Business of Charity. She focuses on non-profit formation, infrastructure, administration, and grant writing to support her clients in successfully meeting their organization's mission. This episode, we discuss nonprofit board development during pandemic: Recruitment is an ongoing process. “You should always be looking for your successor.” Board candidates...
Why Boards Even Matter

Why Boards Even Matter, with Mary Hiland

Our second episode with Mary Hiland, of Hiland Consulting. This time we examine why boards exist, how the culture of board recruiting may change, how to maintain board energy & morale, and taking a hard look at the question: Can we do away with the executive committee? We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.