Mickey visits with Madeline Reamy, Co-Executive Director at EarthShare Georgia. We talk about her fifteen year legacy with EarthShare, and what the future may hold for her as she moves forward to help nonprofits with strategy and sustainable fundraising.
We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.
We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.
Laura MacDonald, Principal and Founder of Benefactor Group, has served the nonprofit sector for four decades. In 2000, she established Benefactor Group to serve the needs of those who serve the common good. You can download the infographic mentioned in this episode, here:
Giving USA: The Annual Report on Philanthropy is the seminal publication reporting on the sources and uses of charitable giving in...
Mickey played host for a virtual Nonprofit round table for the first edition of the Nonprofit Reimagined Summit. The "Nonprofit Reimagined" panel will galvanize top Nonprofit thought leaders for a robust discussion on funding strategies for nonprofit sustainability. The Panel will include Jenni Hargrove, Senior Consultant @Nonprofit Jenni, Chrystal Cherry, President @The Board Pro, Mikey Desai, Host @NonProfit Snapshot, and L. Brian...
Jacque Daughtry is the Executive Director of Literacy Now. We talk about her ability to expand during pandemic. Jacque says "Relationships have been our cornerstone since day one, and that has not changed...one of our former board members calls it our secret sauce." We talk at length about her philosophies around the stewarding of resources, including the cultivation of volunteers and donors. We welcome support of the Nonprofit...
Brittny and Nia are the hosts of The Nonprofit Reframe podcast. The three of us talk about funder power dynamics: When used for good, funders can fuel real change (ie: board diversity)
When used for...not so good, funders can really harm the sector and the organization's it's trying to support (ie: ridiculous reporting requirements for tiny grants)
At worst, these power dynamics are exploited for the gain of the funder and not the societal...
Mickey visits with Dr. Kenna Barrett, Fundraising Leader, Author & Educator, and NGO Advisor. We talk about the mental game of fundraising, addressing the misconception of who fundraisers are, and tackling some of the anxiety and fears around the art of fundraising. Kenna divulges what it takes to be a good fundraiser, even if you are an introvert who might not feel very bold. It's easy to be intimidated by the process, but don't let that...
Rania Mankarious, CEO of Crime Stoppers of Houston, guests on the SnapCast. We talk about The Balanced Voice podcast, her work with Crime Stoppers, and the challenges she currently faces in the current climate. Among the topics we cover: Fundraising and the need for effective messaging and marketing. You can have the best product in the world but if the community doesn’t know it, get it and relate to it, you have no value.
Know your audience....
Jami Duffy is the Executive Director of Youth on Record. She calls on community foundations to loosen restrictions and give nonprofits more time to focus on their critical support services.
We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon.
We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.
Jessica is a co-founder of Impact100 Houston. We talk about her work and perspectives using philanthropy as a means of bringing people together during divisive times. We cover: Using philanthropy to find common ground during a divisive year.
Collective giving as a way to empower women and build connection.
Establishing trust and investing general operating support.
Uncomfortable and critical conversations about race with nonprofit leadership....
The Nonprofit SnapCast podcast is seeking guests. We're always looking for philanthropic and nonprofit professionals to share their wisdom on the program. This time, we're keenly looking for people who can talk with me about: Setting the stage for 2021 - How should nonprofits be planning?Going Mobile (anything related to mobile technologies for nonprofits)Effectively using social mediaStaying Virtual (should we go back to in-person working?)How...