How To Run An Effective

How To Run An Effective & Sustainable Nonprofit Without Quitting Your Day Job

Kerry Stumpe and his wife are co-founders of Children of Conservation and have made it to the top of their professional careers (not quitting their day jobs) while successfully running a sustainable and impactful nonprofit in Africa. Both founders have received coveted awards of global recognition by Dr. Jane Goodall for their nonprofit endeavors. Among the things we discuss: How to run an effective & sustainable nonprofit without quitting...
Overwhelm Is A Symptom

Overwhelm Is A Symptom

My guest today is Sarah Olivieri, a true visionary in the nonprofit space. Founder of Pivot Ground, Sarah returns to the SnapCast to talk about the critically important topic of avoiding burnout and overwhelm. Seems simple, but you may already be overwhelmed and not even know it. Among the things we discuss: Clearing your mind Clearing your calendar Clearing your to-do list Showing up for the help Avoiding martyr complex Don't let someone say...
Is Your Organization Too Dependent on You?

CEOs, is Your Organization Too Dependent on You?

Emily Taylor, Principal of teenyBIG, returns to the SnapCast. Even the most impactful leaders have limitations. Eventually, their superhuman trajectory plateaus, or worse– drops off the cliff. No one can be everywhere at once, or all things to all people. Leaders must draw on the skills and talents of others if they want their organization to thrive. Among the topics in our discussion: Identifying the telltale signs a leader has hit a growth...
You Shouldn’t Jump Into Your Next Strategic Plan

Why You Shouldn’t Jump Into Your Next Strategic Plan

Emily Taylor returns to the SnapCast. Emily is the Principal of teenyBIG. We talk about why you may not want to jump into your next strategic plan. Many funders say you “should” have a strategic plan. But if you keep putting it off, it may signify you’ve encountered one of the four little-known reasons organizations fail at strategic planning. These challenges can limit buy-in from your team, make the plan seem unrealistic in the eyes of...
Talking Financial Leadership

Talking Financial Leadership with Jason Kruger

Jason Kruger is the President and Founder of Signature Analytics. We talk about what it means to shake up the way nonprofits look at their financials. The dos and don'ts of financial leadership, and things that ALL nonprofit managers (including board members and staff) should be understanding when it comes to their org's financials. We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit...
Fundraising Is An Inside Job

Fundraising Is An Inside Job, with Haley Cooper

Haley Cooper is The Savvy Fundraiser, a nonprofit consultant and coach. We make a slightly different and deeper exploration into fundraising, emotional connections, and empathy: Why fundraising is an inside job and what it means to do your own inner work so you can manage in, up and out. The significance of emotional connection in the nonprofit workplace and how it can facilitate more creativity and collaboration when it comes to raising more...
Michigan Healthcare Freedom

Michigan Healthcare Freedom, with Abigail Nobel

Abigail Nobel checks in with the SnapCast again to talk about Systemic Healthcare problems, opportunities in state health policy, and current MHF initiatives. We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon. We welcome your questions and feedback via The Nonprofit Snapshot website.
Undermining Inclusion Efforts

Undermining Inclusion Efforts, with Rita Sever

Rita Sever works with select nonprofits to train supervisors to work in a partnership model that supports inclusion.  She visits the SnapCast to talk about Hidden Rules in Nonprofits Undermine Inclusion Efforts.  Among the things we discuss:   ·      When you talk about inclusion, why does it matter?  ·      Who is most often not included?  ·      What are hidden rules and how do they function? ·      Who benefits...
Aggregating Data

Aggregating Data with Fundminer

Chelsea Lamego and Alejandro Stevenson-Duran are Co-Founders of FundMiner, software that uniquely aggregates and organizes siloed fund data into its easy-to-manage platform, where fund managers can monitor their funds with access-based compliance tracking, data visualization, document workflow, and secure storage.  Among the things we discuss: What goes into the process of gift administration?  How can fundraising organizations more easily...
Professional Development

Professional Development, with Matt Stokes

Matt Stokes is the President and Founder of Nonprofit Millionaires, a fundraising consultancy.  We talk about leadership development.  Among the topics we discuss: Finding a mentor and a sponsor Attending and networking at fundraising conferences Doing informational interviews for future fundraising positions of interest Joining and becoming involved in local AFP chapters Pursuing the CFRE We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via...