Building An Inclusive Board

Building An Inclusive Board, with Rachel Branaman

Rachel Branaman, Principal of Talem Consulting, visits the SnapCast to speak with Mickey about what the data says about board diversity and how they benefit from diversification. We discuss: The impact of the current statistics regarding diversity of nonprofit boards Value add of diverse voices and lived experiences in the board room Types of biases and the power structures in nonprofit organizations and boards Ways we know systemic racism is...
Board Engagement: You Are NOT Alone

Board Engagement: You Are NOT Alone

Katherine Kreuchauf returns to the SnapCast to talk about her new venture, OnPoint Philanthropy. We talk about board engagement, touching on recent research, and ways to improve board functioning.  Among the topics we cover:  Board engagement is a process that starts with the first conversation re board membership Most organizations don’t invest time into building a high performing board Same principals as building a high performing team of...
Seeking Guests

Seeking guests

The Nonprofit SnapCast seeks guests. We're always looking for philanthropic and nonprofit professionals to share their wisdom. This time, we're keenly looking for people (maybe HR pros?) who can talk with me about: Nonprofit organizational culture.How funding pressure shapes competition within the organization.Listening & Transparency among nonprofit staff.How to keep staff cooperative, #conflictmanagement skills, etc. If you or someone you...
Teaching Philanthropy To Children

Your Fundraising Search, with Linda McNay

Mickey gets to visit with Linda McNay. We talk about Our Fundraising Search and her work helping nonprofits find the right fundraising professionals, and greatly improving retention rate once the right people are identified. Among the topics we cover: What makes for an effective search? How does a nonprofit determine what is a "good fit?" Changing organizational culture to best fit its fundraising goals. Why a personal touch to fundraising is...