Alternatives to Starting a Nonprofit

Alternatives to Starting a Nonprofit with Anna Taylor

Anna Taylor, Executive Director of The Greater Sum Foundation, visits the SnapCast to talk about alternatives to starting a nonprofit.  Among the topics we discuss: Greater Sum role in supporting startup nonprofits Preconceptions about increase in # of new nonprofits  Alternatives to starting a nonprofit Who SHOULD start a nonprofit Potential partnerships/growth opportunities  Donor/volunteer engagement in work outside of traditional...
Strategic Planning with Dolph Goldenburg

Strategic Planning with Dolph Goldenburg

Dolph Goldenburg visits the SnapCast to talk about strategic planning for nonprofits.  Dolph serves as a consultant, coach, and confidant for nonprofit leaders; and he is the Principal Consultant for Successful Nonprofits.    A good strategic planning process re-energizes your nonprofit organization by engaging your Board, staff, funders, and constituents in a meaningful manner. Nonprofits that develop a robust strategic plan build more...
Rally Around Giving Tuesday

Rally Around Giving Tuesday, with David Pisarek

David Pisarek, founder of Wow Digital, returns to the SnapCast to talk about Giving Tuesday.  We talk about the importance of the Giving Tuesday opportunity for nonprofits.  Among the things we touch on:  Prepping for Giving Tuesday Identifying the strategy and timeline Maximizing a Giving Tuesday campaign What happens once someone makes a donation? Tips for using email within the campaign We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via...
Get Ready for Giving Tuesday, with Jenni Getzy

Get Ready for Giving Tuesday, with Jenni Getzy

Nonprofit Jenni is on the SnapCast!!  Mickey gets to do three episodes with Jenni Getzy, host of the Nonprofit Jenni Show podcast, and the force of nature behind Nonprofit Jenni.  We talk at length about Giving Tuesday, and how you can still get ready to maximize the event for your nonprofit.   Questions we address: What are the most important steps for planning a Giving Tuesday campaign when you have limited time? If this is your first time...
2024 Salary & Satisfaction Survey

2023 Salary & Satisfaction Survey

Long-time friend Dave Paule, Principal & Managing Director of Our Fundraising Search joins the SnapCast to explore the results of their recent Nonprofit Salary & Satisfaction Survey.   The results are in, and we are ready to share.  This session was recorded live.  Were there any surprises?  Discover key takeaways and some significant observations.  We welcome support of the Nonprofit SnapCast via Patreon. We welcome your...
2024 Salary & Satisfaction Survey

Our Fundraising Survey: Nonprofit Salary & Satisfaction

Dave Paule of Our Fundraising Search makes a quick visit with Mickey to talk about their Nonprofit Salary & Satisfaction survey: We’d be honored if you’d spare just 4 minutes of your day to take the Nonprofit Salary & Satisfaction Survey. Thought leadership is an important part of what Our Fundraising Search does. The goal is to give nonprofit executives and boards insights into what it takes to recruit and, perhaps more...
Affinity Programs, with Jenni Craig

Affinity Programs, with Jenni Craig

Jenni Craig visits the SnapCast to talk about Affinity Programs, how to develop them, and how they benefit any philanthropic endeavor. Jenni has over fifteen years of experience in higher education, and is currently the principal at Affinity Makers, helping nonprofits to define and build their affinity programs. (Prior to Affinity Makers, Jenni's efforts have generated $2M in memberships and major gifts for Embry Riddle.) Among the things we...
Ahead of the curve

Ahead Of The Curve with NSITE, with Jonathan Lucus

Jonathan Lucus visits the SnapCast to talk about NSITE, placing individuals who are blind or have low vision in great jobs, and partnering with corporations to make it easier to hire, onboard, and retain these individuals.  They offer training programs for workers who are seeking to get into (or back into) positions in IT, finance, HR... NSITE also works directly with businesses to assure that their new hire is a good fit and that they are...
GreenLight Atlanta

GreenLight Atlanta – Innovation and Philanthropic Leadership

Joli Cooper of GreenLight Atlanta visits the SnapCast. Launched with more than 50 local philanthropic investors, GreenLight Atlanta represents the city’s extraordinary philanthropic spirit and ambition to find innovative approaches created and proven elsewhere to help make significant, measurable progress toward a brighter and more equitable future. We tackle the following questions: How do you decide which organization's to invest in? Why is...
Your Website

Let’s Talk About Your Website, with David Pisarek

Listeners can take advantage of some free offers along with a coupon for Mighty NPO: SNAPSHOT70. Find details within the podcast... David has been smashing the non-profit sector for over 20 years, and now he's living out his dream: to change the world one website at a time, by designing and building websites, leading design and branding projects, and implementing digital transformation for nonprofits and charities. He’s a design and...